Last Friday it was that time again...the Kick-Off 2023!
The kick-off into the new year offered all kgs employees the opportunity to fill up with culinary delights and new input.
The goal of the annual event is to foster a shared exchange of ideas, strengthen team spirit and visualize strategies for the year that has already begun.
The event was opened by our management team, who presented already achieved and future goals of the individual departments in their engaging contributions. A special incentive: tips for an even healthier lifestyle from Philipp, our Senior People & Culture Partner. He presented very concrete programs with which kgs supports all employees on their way to better health management...the cupcakes at the end of the event were an exception, of course ? .
This part was followed by a workshop on the topic of "Green IT" - so all employees could get involved with creative ideas and collect concrete goals on how we can further expand our claim to green IT in the future.
So the motto for 2023 is: achieve big goals with lots of small steps - both individually and as part of our responsibility for kgs. We look forward to a healthier and "greener" year!