High costs, no business case. These are the key reasons given by ASUG and DSAG members in a recent study for not yet having started a switch to S/4HANA. Yes, there's no denying it, a switch to SAP S/4HANA initially incurs costs. An analogy: before you move into a new apartment, you first neatly pack the moving boxes and diligently sort out what is no longer needed before the movers are ordered. Not only moving professionals know this, but also S/4HANA transformers. That's why we invited Christian Bleeker, IT sourcing expert and managing director at MITA Consulting, to show us the important steps for an upcoming, cost-sensitive SAP transformation and to explain what role archiving plays in this process. You can watch the recording of this #funfastfocus webinar here. The webinar takes place only in german.